I keep meaning to do a post about my dog . . . so today is the day. This post is for all the dog lovers out there in Blogland. I enjoy reading about your pets, so I thought I would share some information about my dog ~ Cider (as in the colour of apple cider). Cider is 8 years old already. Boy time flies by quickly.
She is a Collie - Husky mix (or so we think) and perhaps a bit of German Shepard tossed in. She has many faces. . . .
She is a Collie - Husky mix (or so we think) and perhaps a bit of German Shepard tossed in. She has many faces. . . .
~ She can look Regal ~

~ Sweet ~

~ Focused ~ (when food is being prepared)
~ Playful ~
Mischevious (she likes chips as much as the kids do)
and even a bit ~ Sad ~ (Cider was sprayed by a skunk this week ~ yuk)
and Happy ~ of course (update: skunk smell all gone now ~ Oct 21st)
Isn't it funny how those big ears can disappear, LOL

Here is a picture of her feathery Husky/Collie Tail
I enjoyed three great doggy books over the last few months.
Chicken Soup, Merle's Door and Marley and Me.
I recommend them all.

All Great books ~ for Dog Lovers : )
Cider is beautiful Karen and thanks for posting about her. I love all her different looks. Poor girl being sprayed by a skunk. Over here Cane Toads are very dangerous to dogs.
I must look out for the Chicken Soup book and as you know I do know about the other two books.
Ben sends a big Woofy greeting to Cider and no, he doesn't bark with an Aussie accent :)
Thank you for the Aussie Greeting. I would guess there are many creatures dangerous to dogs in warmer climates. Luckily the skunk did not spray in Cider's eyes. That is quite dangerous. We just got the awful smell. Hopefully is will be completely gone soon.
Thanks for visiting! and hello to Ben :)
Cider is a lovely dog Karen and you must have so much fun with such a wonderful dog.
How awful that poor Cider was sprayed by a skunk - eek ( we do not have skunks over here.
Have a great week.
Hi Karen
This is my first visit to your blog & I loved your post about your sweet dog Cider! Definitely a "dog lovers post" :-)
Hi Karen,
Just look at that beautiful girl! "Hi Cider, it's Auntie Brendie: LOL! I do miss her fabulous greetings and the waggy tail, when we used to visit more often. Give that good girl a hug for me.
Cider is so sweet! She looks so smart and full of personality!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
what a handsome pup!
I am still on my on going read of Merle's door. Going through half of it. I am a dog-person myself that's why I love reading this book. We have one dog at home, but we've decided to turn him over to my boyfriend since dogs are not allowed in our subdivision. He is funny irritating sometimes. His mannerism is watching us coyly on the corner of his eyes especially if we're scolding him. He's like Merle who also do some thrash-hunting regardless if we've fed him full. He just got his own ways. Sprinting and spritzing here and there.
P.S. First visit here. Your dog is lovely =)
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