Friday, October 8, 2010

26th Annual Vintage Clothing Sale ~ Ottawa Ontario

It's that time of year again ! I am a confirmed vendor at the 26th Annual Vintage Clothing Sale ~ Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ~ Chateau Laurier Hotel ~ Sunday November 7, 2010.

I will be in the main Ballroom in booth #11 ~ same as last year.
These photos are from my booth in 2009.

Fully stocked with wonderful clothing ~ mostly dresses and coats ~ and vintage textiles again this year : ). Hope to see you on November 7, 2010.


Cindy said...

Has it been a year already wow. Hope you are well. How is the puppy saga going. take care, wish you all the best for November sale. take care, happy Thanksgiving.

Nancy said...

Hi Karen...
I wish you all of the best at the show. You should do really have such lovely pieces.
I don't do Facebook I don't "see" you as often. Just don't want to have any more places I have to go.

Hope all is well with you and the family.
Hugs, Nancy

Karen ~ Cider Antiques said...

Thanks gals! Rented a U-haul again this year so it makes it much easier . . . several racks fit in the van standing up so I can transport clothing on hangers. So much better that way!